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Let’s discover the biggest feline of the world, its characteristics and how it situation is worrying (they’re now more numerous in captivity than in the wild). From 11am to 5pm, meet us in front of the tiger’s enclosure to participate to many activities, discover some facts...

For the 8th time at La Barben, we offer to the Marseille hospitalized children to spend a magic and private evening in our zoo. This « Dreamnight » will take place on Friday the 3rd of June, so we will have to close the zoo at 03pm to...

Zoo takes part in the « Let it grow » campaign about local biodiversity. Proposed by EAZA (European association of zoos and aquaria), it will last 2 years ! But biodiversity… What does it mean ? Why is that so important ? What can we do to protect...

La Barben zoo is open every day of the year. Nevertheless, according to the weather, some animals ( primates, girafes, rhinoceroces...

Nos deux fourmiliers géants, encore appelés tamanoirs sont arrivés fin 2014, le mâle du zoo d'Amnéville, et la femelle de Lisbonne. Vous pouvez désormais les observer, dans leur parc lorsque la météo est clémente, ou bien dans leur bâtiment ! Ils seront très prochainement rejoints par...