
Since 2013, the Afdpz (French Association of Zoological Parks) has created a conservation fund to support programs for the protection of animal species. It collects funds from the various member parks of the Afdpz. In 2017, 17 programs, located in 15 different countries, benefited from €...

Since 2000, the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) has organised several conservation campaigns, which are rolled out across the network’s zoos to meet two objectives: -to raise visitors’ awareness of the issues addressed - to collect funds to finance conservation programmes related to this theme Over...

The Sri Lankan leopard subspecies (Panthera pardus kotiya) is considered Endangered by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Indeed, there are less than 800 individuals on this island! Here as elsewhere, the panthers indeed suffer from the fragmentation and disappearance of their habitat...

The bearcat is a medium-sized mammal (9 to 20 kg) native to the tropical forests of Asia. Arboricultural, it is carnivorous with a frugivorous tendency. But its biology and its way of life are very little known! Its numbers in the wild are declining, and it...

In Africa as elsewhere, felids are endangered species: they are victims of hunting and/or poaching and persecution because accused of attacking livestock. In addition, their habitat is reduced and fragmented, by deforestation, grazing or global warming. Thus, there are only 7,100 cheetahs or 20,000 lions. The...

Found only in certain forests of Colombia, cotton-top tamarins are Critically Endangered: only 7000 of them remain! The reasons: deforestation (only 1% of their original forests remain) and catches for trafficking in "pets". The Proyecto Titi foundation does a complete job for their protection, through different axes: -...

The Chimpanzee Conservation Center is a sanctuary created in 1997 in Guinea, in the Haut Niger National Park, to cope with the emergency situation in which the chimpanzee populations found themselves. The objective is threefold: - collect orphaned chimpanzees, victims of poaching and illegal trafficking in live...

Reintroduction of cinereous vultures in Verdon (France) The griffon and cinereous vultures having disappeared from the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region, many actors have mobilized to reintroduce these emblematic birds in the Gorges du Verdon. From 1999 to 2004, 91 griffon vultures (born in zoos or coming...

All sub-species of tigers are facing serious threats: - poaching for skins and parts of their body, used in Traditionnal Medicine - deforestation - rarefaction of preys - conflicts with Humans, consequences of tigers attacks on livestock - consanguinity and diseases There are less than 4000 of them in the wild! Wildcats...